Request for Preliminary Evaluation
June, 2010 – We asked Illinois Historic Preservation Agency for an opinion regarding historic significance of the William Ziock Building.The June, 2010 request was based on initial research and resources available at that time. It does contain some factual inaccuracies that have since been remedied.
IHPA Determination
In fewer than 10 days, IHPA determined that the building met eligibility for listing on the National Register.
National Register Nomination
Based on hundreds of hours of research by volunteers, Friends of Ziock prepared a draft nomination with the assistance of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. The Rockford Historic Preservation Commission unanimously approved the nomination in February, 2011. In March, 2011 the Illinois Historic Site Advisory Council unanimously recommended that the nomination be submitted to National Park Service, Department of the Interior which has final authority. Successful designation is expected by May, 2011.
Excalibur Nomination
Each year, Rockford Register Star newspaper sponsors an Excalibur Award for outstanding community service. Lenae Weichel stepped forward to prepare a nomination for William Ziock, Jr., philanthropist, business and community leader, and the man who commissioned the Ziock Building named after his father. We believe it was the first time a nomination was submitted posthumously for the award.